Nov 1, 2012

0 Physically Challenged People

A lot has been written about handicap, and probably a lot more will be written. Some has been written by the disabled commonwealth or by their relatives. But there has been not that much information apart from medico's, or condition within a explicit social group and scientists  looking for causes/cures and how they can be prevented.

Until quite recently disabled nation were socially isolated. Whether their state was physical,

emotional or mental, all met the similar attitudes. Whether one carried a stick, or were in a wheelchair all were looked on as being perhaps somewhat marginal mentally and were hardly likely to be invited to a social  gathering.

However, thanks to the scientists, medico's and dedicated educationists, social attitudes have changed somewhat, since hidden abilities of the disabled have been brought to the fore making their lives more snug.

However, as regards attitudes the bounty condition does not yet  reach the hundred per cent sign. There always have and probably always will be some who cannot come to terms with the imperfect and disfunctional human corpse and will shy away or circumvent them altogether. The justification for this lies with those situation themselves.

Thus society and the disabled themselves must pull together to integrate and make the climate of acceptability aa

typical as practicable. People are encouraged to custom different terminology eg. A person who uses a wheelchair, carries a walking stick, walks with a frame may be called physically challenged,' while those with emotional or mental afflictions are intellectually challenged.'

Those hearing or using such terminology, may manufacture a more accepting attitude and arrive to locate that

many disabled state have capabilities, needs, wants and feelings enjoy anyone else.

Nowdays there is more access to information mainly through TV, the Intertnet, books and papers enabling disabled situation to reveal their talents and abilities.  The fact that they are now included by the media, puts them into the genuine world with their competent bodied counterparts. This surely engenders more knowledge that having a disabilty is by no means a separation from everyday life.

The most distinctive agenda is now dependant on scientific research to locate preventative causes/cures for such

physical conditions as Cerebral palsy, Downe's Syndrome, blindness, etc. likewise the emotional/mental

disorders such as Bipolar, sharp depression and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.

Time will say which and how many disabilities can be prevented or flat cured.  For the sake of families,

however loving and patient they may be with their afflicted offspring it is hoped that much suffering and stress can

be eleviated once and for every.


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